IOS Ventures Sdn Bhd

Was formed in 2011 by En. Wan Omar Wan Saifuddin and Nuremy Mohd Khairi. The two was intended to be a contractor and supplier of chemicals, equipment and maintenance services to government agencies and private sectors.

The initial phase of the company’s business was mainly in tendering and supplies of industrial chemicals to Ministry of Health and industrial chemicals to power stations.

Among the clients that the company had once served are Petronas, Kemaman Supply Base (KSB), FELDA and government agencies such as Malaysia Airforce (RMAF), Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), Ministry of Defence (MINDEF), Jabatan Pengairan Saliran and Kementerian Penerangan. The company then ventures into other areas such as supply of domestic goods, painting & blasting, construction, conduct training & courses, supply of ICT equipment and provide technical consultation.